Therapy across borders: my path to Dubai

Therapy across borders: my path to Dubai

The beginnings of online therapy: before Corona

The change in therapy is not just a consequence of the pandemic but began long before it. As an experienced therapist, I was already working in online counselling long before the coronavirus and was thus breaking new ground. This enabled me to care for patients far beyond my geographical location. Treating patients from different countries and cultures not only broadened my horizons, but also confirmed the effectiveness of digital therapy. This global perspective enriched my therapeutic approaches and strengthened my understanding of the different needs of my patients.

Flexibility and insights through online supervision

Online supervision made me realise how independent my work can be from location. This flexibility was invaluable, especially during my holidays. I was able to continue to provide high quality supervision while I was in other countries. This experience taught me that effective therapy is not bound by location. It was an insightful realisation that inspired me to think beyond my current location and consider the possibilities of living abroad without neglecting my professional commitments.

My dream of living in Dubai

I had always dreamed of living in a sunny, warm country. Dubai, a city known for its joie de vivre, optimism and radiant ambience, became my destination. The thought of living in such a dynamic and positive environment was extremely appealing. Dubai offers not only sun and light, but also cultural diversity and a pioneering role in many modern developments. It is a place that fulfils both my professional and personal needs – a combination that is rare to find.

Personal support despite the distance

My move to Dubai in no way meant an interruption to my therapeutic work. On the contrary: I have planned regular trips to Germany and Europe to meet my patients in person. These meetings not only provide a valuable opportunity for more intensive therapeutic sessions, but also allow me to build a stronger personal connection. It was also encouraging to see that some of my patients were willing to travel all the way to Dubai to participate in intensive therapy sessions. This mutual commitment is a clear sign of the trust and effectiveness of our therapeutic relationship.

Limitless possibilities

My experience shows that modern technology has had a positive impact on the way we can deliver therapies. My move to Dubai is an example of how to combine professional goals with personal desires without compromising on the quality of care. In a world where literally “anything is possible”, I am excited about the future of digital medicine and look forward to continuing to enjoy life in an environment that suits me perfectly.